Knowledge - Value - Library - Andrássy

Látogató számlálás

Mai nap: 32 fő
Tegnap: 118 fő
A kívánt időszakban: - fő

Dátum (eleje):
Dátum (vége):


szechenyi-terv emblemaja


Mit szeretsz legszívesebben olvasni?

életrajz - 2.7%
fantasztikus irodalom - 18.9%
kalandregény - 17.6%
klasszikus szépirodalom - 6.8%
krimi / detektívregény - 16.2%
sci-fi - 5.4%
szerelmes regény - 4.1%
thriller - 4.1%
történelmi regény - 9.5%
tudományos m?vek - 4.1%
versek - 0%
egyéb - 10.8%

Total votes: 74
The voting for this poll has ended on: June 30, 2015


Developments financed by the European Union

This project is realized with the support of the European Union and with the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund

Coordinated developmentof libraryservice infrastructure for Andrássy Gyula Secondary Grammar and Boarding School and Széchenyi István Bilingual Secondary School of Economics – “Knowledge Store Express” (Tudásdepó Express)

Andrássy Gyula Secondary Grammar and Boarding School and Széchenyi István Bilingual Secondary School of Economics has been granted an amount of 8 000 000 HUF non refundable support for development of library service infrastructure by Social Infrastructural Operational Programme of the New Hungary Development Plan.

Project structure:

 “Coordinated developmentof libraryservice infrastructure” – ”Knowledge Store Express” TIOP-1.2.3/09/1

Project identification number:


Main details of the project:

Name: Coordinated developmentof libraryservice infrastructure forAndrássy Gyula Secondary Grammar and Boarding School and Széchenyi István Bilingual Secondary School of Economics – “Knowledge Store Express”

Implementation period: from 1st June 2010 to 30th September 2010

Beneficiary: Andrássy Gyula Secondary Grammar and Boarding School (5600, Békéscsaba, Andrássy út 56., Hungary) and Széchenyi István Bilingual Secondary School of Economics (5600, Békéscsaba, Irányi u. 3-5., Hungary)

Amount of support: 8 000 000 HUF

Project description:

The supply procurement realized within the project contributes to the reinforcement of the educational role of our libraries and access to information with equal opportunities irrespectively of location. As the library is made available for holding project work oriented lessons and extracurricular activities, it increases the number of lessons in education based on library documents and information systems accessible through libraries. The infrastructural development and the application of the integrated library software make it possible to develop the services based on the cooperation of libraries, and providing internet access to the electronic catalogue contributes to creating a more comprehensive national electronic catalogue.

Supervisory authority:

National Development Agency Supervising Authority of Human Resources Programme

Contributing organizations:

Support Management Directorate of Ministry of Education and Culture (1055 Budapest, Bihari János u. 5., Hungary)
