Knowledge - Value - Library - Andrássy
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Library Curriculum

The curriculum of the library of Andrássy Gyula Secondary Grammar and Boarding School of Békéscsaba is adjusted to the objectives laid down in the school curriculum and the local curriculum based on the general curricula. We are also committed to promoting the implementation of key competences of the documents mentioned. Through holding library skills lessons and workshops as well as holding local library skills contests and other subject related competitions (Bod Péter National Library Skills Contest), we intend to foster the widening of students’ knowledge and the development of their skills and abilities.

According to NAT (National Core Curriculum) 2012, with their information resources and services, libraries serve as the relevant educational resource centres and open workshops of learning and teaching. Therefore, our main objective is to ensure that the library of Andrássy Gyula Secondary Grammar and Boarding School of Békéscsaba should meet these requirements.

The aim of the education of library skills is to prepare students for utilizing the growing opportunities of obtaining information in their learning and daily life by accessing, critically selecting, processing information and by evaluating the process. Using the library as a resource centre is the basis of developing attitudes and abilities necessary for self education and lifelong learning. The above mentioned aim can be achieved by getting to know the school library and other types of libraries, library resources and tools, by practising activities with them, as well as by creating a conscious, confident user attitude and sense of orientation and the needs for library usage.[1]

Our school incorporates library skills and library information technology in its curriculum as indicated in the table below:


Years 9 to 10

Years 11 to 12


Number of lessons


Number of lessons

Types of libraries; institutions of information

Library services

Seeking information

Document types and handbooks

Selecting sources

Bibliographic reference; using sources

Information Technology




Introducing and using the database of the National Audiovisual Archives



Motion Picture Culture and Media Studies


Using reference books, handbooks, dictionaries and lexicons; individual searches for unknown expressions in mono-lingual dictionaries



Hungarian Language and Literature


Analysing different texts, audio materials and films etc.  in view of historical authenticity





Gaining information about the arts of different cultures considering historical and cultural-historical relations; note taking and producing individual documents indicating sources and keeping the formal and ethical rules of quotations












[1]Annex 3of 51/2012. (21stDec) EMMI regulation: Core curriculum for years 9 to 12 of secondary grammar schools. Information technology

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